海鼎message 总第22期(2020年9月)暨海鼎25周年庆刊-pg电子app平台下载
海鼎message 总第22期(2020年9月)
第一章 来时路
一年 /彭肖溶
year by year问渠那得清如许 为有源头活水来 / 田歆
why is the water so clear in the dyke ,for the fresh water comes from the spring head关键主义的胜利——另一个角度看美宜佳2万店 / 彭肖溶
the victory of keynesianism——another way to interpret meiyijia 20,000 stores海鼎研讨会的人文之光 / 彭肖溶
the light of humanity of the heading consumers seminar
第二章 研究、咨询与实践
零售各业态特征及信息化建设思路与实践 / 海鼎业态研究小组
the characteristics of various retail formats ,the idea and practice of informatization construction零售数据应用的跃迁和实践/ 王元盛
transitions and practices in retail data applications联华鲸选到家,海鼎与华商又一段合作佳话 /刘东圳、柏辰潇
another period of cooperation between heading and lianhua huashang group与爱婴室的相遇、相知与相互共生 / 倪亮
encounter, acquaintance and mutual symbiosis with babemax精耕细作,宝贝王开拓线上发展新阵地 / 吴仕龙、王涛
kids place develops new positions on line后疫情时代,零售商如何反思重构人货场/ 逄丽
how do retailers reorganize their consumers,goods and warehouses after the epidemic?
第三章 供应链与物流
继承下突破 变革中沉淀 /孙方远
breakthrough under inheritance,precipitation in transformationhdwms深耕快时尚行业 / 冯永刚
hdwms focuses on the fast fashion industry以家家悦多仓实施为例探讨系统并行上线方案 / 陈杨、刘欢。
taking jiajiayue multi-warehouse implementation as an example to discuss the parallel on-line scheme of the system数据分析助力配送中心高效配货作业 /贾帅帅
data analysis to help distribution operations of the distribution center efficiently电子标签在类标称重品分拣中的应用 /饶阳、林华、李彤
the application of electronic tags in the sorting of classified heavy goods
应用系统性能风险控制体系初探 /李希明
preliminary study on application system performance risk control system乘风破浪的千帆掌柜 / 徐君
qianfan pos is braving the wind and the waves高效运维体系探索与实践 /卜海清
exploration and practice of efficient operation and maintenance system经营海鼎战略客户的实践与心得 / 作者:吴振浩、李善奇
practice and experience in managing strategic customers of heading
《朴素传承 重塑超越》